Whole Life Coaching

Trauma Release Therapy

Are you ready to let go of what is holding you back?

Do you feel stuck in unhelpful patterns or limiting stories you tell yourself about what is possible?

Coaching or trauma therapy can help you release your grip on the past to find ease, purpose, authenticity, joy, and ultimately your Self in the present moment, where life happens.

This is what it means to Reclaim Yourself.

  • Whole Life Coaching

    Support for your change process

    Coaching areas include (but aren’t limited to):

    Health upgrades (changes to food, activity, personal wellness practices, healing from illness)

    Upgrades to boundary-setting and stress management

    Adjusting to relationship changes or endings

    Adjusting to changes in employment

    Taking on a new challenge or life goal

    <Your unique change goal here!>

  • Trauma Release Therapy

    Transformational trauma modalities to heal the past and live fully in the present

    This is not talk therapy.

    Unprocessed trauma is stored in the body as well as in the mind.

    I use EMDR* and other mind-body approaches that allow you to remain present while you integrate previous experiences so that they truly become part of your past.

    *Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

If you are interested in coaching, please email me for further information. My coaching calendar is currently full and I will not be scheduling breakthrough sessions until January 2024.

(If you are interested in therapy, I am not currently taking new therapy clients at this time and my waitlist is full.)